How can parents impart better time management skills in their children?

by | 30 Jan, 2022 | Parents Corner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Students’ time management skills are becoming increasingly vital in today’s hectic society. While you may wish for a simpler time when time seemed to go more slowly, the realities of involvement in current western civilization demand that young people have efficiency and productivity abilities.

Time, like our energy and money, is a finite resource that must be managed effectively. Planning and regulating the amount of time you spend on specific tasks is what time management is all about.

Students must have the following skills to efficiently manage their time:

  • Goal Setting

It’s nearly impossible to make good use of time if you don’t know what to do with it. Students can benefit from having both short- and long-term objectives. For example, a short-term goal could be to finish their homework early each day so they have enough time to practice music. Their long-term goal could be to be a member of the school band, a musician, or to study music.

  • Prioritisation

Tasks can be rated according to their importance by assessing what needs to be accomplished within a given timeframe. Setting priorities for each day, week, month, and year can assist students in achieving their objectives. It also aids in ensuring that activities that are vital but not urgent – such as personal devotions, adequate sleep, and exercise – are prioritised. Some people prefer to save easy tasks first thing in the morning and then use the energy boost to get things done. Others prefer to start with bigger jobs.

  • Organisation

Once priorities are set, it’s important to have a plan for getting them done. Some people are naturally well-organized, and others need some help. Strategies like maintaining an up-to-date calendar and keeping a tidy study environment help. There are many useful software programs and apps to aid organisations.

  • Managing Stress

Nobody performs at their best when they are under a lot of pressure. Students require healthy ways to manage study pressures while remaining productive. Getting enough sleep, as well as exercising, are all excellent ways to reduce stress and improve learning efficiency.

Time Management Skills are Important

Because their attention is focused and they are not wasting time on distractions (such as social media, for example), effective time management allows students to complete more in less time. As students cross items off their to-do list, efficient time management reduces stress. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment when goals are met.

Furthermore, by managing their time effectively, students can complete their work on time, remain engaged in their learning, and have more time for activities that are important to them, such as sports, hobbies, youth groups, and spending time with friends and family.

Students who manage their time well are able to maximise their abilities and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.

Tips To Improve Time Management

Fortunately, there are many ways students can improve their time management.

  • Start With An Agenda

Record the dates of all upcoming assignments and exams in an online or paper agenda, either alone or with parent’s your assistance (such as their school diary or an online calendar). Make time for important activities as well as leisure time.

  • Create A Master Schedule.

Schedule time for study or assignment work from this agenda. This will assist you in prioritising your projects and staying on track with deadlines.

  • Start Assignments Early.

It is stressful to leave assignments until the last minute. Instead, encourage yourself to begin working on them well ahead of time.

  • Avoid Multitasking

Learning with divided attention is inefficient. To maximise productivity, focus on one task at a time.

  • Reduce Distractions

Have yourself put away unnecessary devices such as mobile phones and turn off social media notifications during schoolwork time. Internal feelings such as hunger or tiredness can also cause distractions, so make sure they’re getting enough sleep and have snacks and water on hand.

  • Take Regular Breaks

Working on something for an extended period of time can result in a loss of focus. You can recharge yourself by taking short breaks every half hour or so. Consider a change of scenery, such as going for a short walk or having a drink in the backyard. Just make sure you don’t get sidetracked and don’t forget to return to your studies.


The concept of balance is the final point in time management. Balance and moderation are the most important things you can install in your life. You will become a master time manager and have more time for your family and personal life if you use the methods, ideas, and techniques in this book.

People frequently enroll in time management programmes in order to increase the number of things they can accomplish on a daily basis. “There is more to life than simply increasing its speed,” a wise man once said.

The primary goal of learning and practicing time management skills is to enhance and improve your overall life quality. Its purpose is to increase the amount of pleasure and happiness you feel.

Author: Vipul Vyas

Author: Vipul Vyas

Vipul Vyas is a passionate trainer who loves to share his knowledge with aspiring students. He has been successful in guiding students from all walks of life, helping them get through various examinations such as English Verbal Aptitude and Blogging.